Sunday, December 20, 2009

Times are Changing

Unbelievable! It is the end of the year and a little over two months since I have posted. I was busy, yes, but I was going through a little lull in my life.

I had a big November. My birthday, my 30th anniversary, Women's Event, Thanksgiving, not to mention life unfolding all around. With all the big, I ended in a little funk. When I get into a funk which is not often, I need to be alone. I need to think and pray and write. I guess, mull life over. Each time I learn a little more about my self.

This time I learned I tremble at the thought of the future. New things are on the horizon for me and I have been a hiding from them instead of being excited about them. Isn't that funny, strange, not ha ha!

I was just reading today in Matthew 6:25-34, 'Do not be anxious about your life.' A wonderful reminder that life is life, things happen in the current day that are plenty. Why do I focus on the day to come instead of living in today?

This Mark Twain sums it up: "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."