Saturday, September 5, 2009

Plan A

Abraham, better known as the Father of the Nations or Sarah’s husband, struck me in such a way I have to share. This summer we had a study called Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. Excellent, Excellent, by the way!
We were winding down to the last week when we run into Abraham. She asked us to list what Abraham brought with him to the Mountain of God in order to sacrifice Issac, his son. (Read Genesis 22 for the details.) Easy enough; his donkey, two of his young men, his son Issac and wood for the fire.
Then comes the point she is making, Abraham did not bring a sacrifice. As far as he understood, Issac was the sacrifice. There was no Plan B in his back pocket just in case God forgot or did not show up. God asked Abraham to bring the most precious passion of his heart, his son, and give him as a sacrifice. Abraham was obedient, step by step as he was led by God …without an alternative plan.
I thought about this for a while, NO PLAN B, NO JUST IN CASE, NO LET ME HELP YOU. Abraham was 100+ years old, no spring chicken and this time he obeyed God with NO PLAN B. Looking back over Abraham’s life, there was a least one Plan B and maybe two or three. Read and see what you think. (Genesis 12-22) The most obvious was out of the promise from God that Abraham would have a son though Sarah, his wife, who was barren. Abraham and Sarah devised a plan to help God with His promise. The maidservant Hagar bore a child for Sarah so the promise of God could be fulfilled. Definitely, PLAN B!
It made me think about what is God’s Plan A for me, and what have I added to it making a Plan B...just in case. And as I move forward, can I go with His Plan A?
What is the most precious passion in our lives; our children, our marriages, our deepest dreams, which we are to bring to the Mountain of God? We have carried these so close in our hearts, regardless of our circumstances, regardless of how many times we have given up because we have not reached our desired outcome, or allowed the enemy to discourage us. No matter what …that precious passion still beats in our heart.
The Lord tells us to, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Lord, we are calling to you. If we do not know Plan A, show us. If we know it and added a Plan B to help You, show us. If we are walking out Your Plan A, show us how to stay true to the plan. Keep us single focused on Your Plan A.

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