Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Enjoying the Day

Days are full of routines, the unexpected and everything in between! Sometimes I like to just sit back and enjoy the day. Nothing to do, no where to go, just me and time.

It is few and far between that I have one whole day like that. But each week, I try to etch out a pocket of time for nothing. I may sit in my favorite chair with my dog Hobie and look at the wall or read a little. Sometimes, I take a nap, like I did yesterday.

You would think I would go somewhere. I love to go to the park and sit by the water or walk down the boardwalk. But most of all, I want to be home, in my house and enjoying the day. I love my home.

How about you? If you had a pocket of time, what would you do?


  1. Celebrate my B-day...9/16! :)Bev
    I'm catching-up with your Blog...I enjoy it.
